Portfolio > Drawings

Caught in the Crossfire
Caught in the Crossfire
Watercolor pencil, Sharpie marker, acrylics, newspaper and magazine clippings on mat illustration board
20 in x 24 in

Violence against women is an issue that I am extremely sensitive about. The crimes dull and deaden the pink color that our culture associates with femininity. The flat shadows on the faces of the different women and girls are not just shadows; they can also be physical, emotional, and psychological scars a crime can leave behind on the victim. Regardless if a victim succeeds in forgetting about the trauma of a crime over time, the scars will still be there. The chalice, the symbol of womanhood according to The Da Vinci Code, glows bright red as it is decorated with words representing the different crimes that not only get the aggressor caught in the crossfire, but also the female victim herself.